National Cadet Corps (NCC)

Home » National Cadet Corps (NCC)

NCC started in the same year when the college was established in 1956. All the activities of NCC in the college are under the control of 5-Raj girls BN, NCC, Udaipur. In our college, there are 108 cadets who participate actively in all the activities of NCC which are carried throughout the year. these activities include drill, map reading, firing, social welfare works, health and hygiene, first aid, etc.
NCC works with the motto of ‘unity and discipline’. Its main aim is to develop the qualities of courage, character, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, the spirit of adventure, sportsmanship, and patriotism among the youth to make them disciplined and courageous citizens, and to create a human-resources of organized, trained, and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life, including the armed forces and be always available for the service of the nation.

Staff Advisors
Lieutenant Dr. Sangeeta Maheshwari

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