Wama Saksham

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“Wama Saksham” in Hindi literally means making women capable. The nomenclature owes its origin to our stated objective of empowering women strengthening the inner and outer self. As a Best Practice as well as an extensive programme, Wama Saksham commenced in the premises (Sports Academy) of Government Meera Girls College on 9th January 2014.

Objectives of the Practice:
The main objectives of the practice is to train students for their self-defense, physical and mental wellbeing.
• To enhance level of confidence and courage of girls
• To bring about overall personality development
• To facilitate empowerment of students.
• To make them aware about their health and hygiene.
• To inculcate significance of the human values.
• To make them aware about women rights and laws.

The Context:
Our college is girls’ college and 70 percent of our students belong to rural and economic weaker sections of the society. Empowering our students is the major objective of our college and also in tune with the mission and vision of our college. The programme is meant to make our students aware about the women security issues. The major challenge was to arrange for the funds to run this programme.

The Practice:
The programme is aimed at enhancing physical capacity and efficiency of the students ,to enhance mental strength, their behavior, gesture and posture and overall body language, communication skills with a view to instill courage so that they can face adverse situations and threats. This apart, training sessions on personal grooming, good food habits, yoga and meditation through Music, Judo, Karate and martial art are imparted. The progamme also aims to give students information regarding women rights, atrocities, harassment and domestic violence issues. Road safety and traffic rules information is also given to students.

Tribal Area development Department has sanctioned 13 lakhs in the year 2017-18 for the activities under the said programme. The programme is gaining popularity and more students are interested to join the programme for which additional resources are required.

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